New work: Lost Kid steals banana

Posted On 11:24 AM by nerdluck |

Her little boy, according to the author of the article "Paging the parents of a lost boy...," got lost one day in a wet market. She frantically back-tracked on her steps while horror stories of kidnapped kids and candies from strangers were running through her head. The little boy was later found, oblivious to his mom's panic attack, munching on an overripe banana innocently pilfered from a bunch which were for on it's way to be hog chow. This Illustration will appear next month on said article on Baby Magazine...

On another note... work is ongoing for my illustration portfolio. More on this on the next...
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1 Response to 'New work: Lost Kid steals banana'
  1. Anonymous'> 10:30 PM

    hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....


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